Environmental - Boosting Native Bees | Social - Education & Philanthropy

Staunton Park, Environmental, social & governance


One of the most effective ways to boost Native Bees in your local environment is by planting wildflowers, fruit & vegetables.

Staunton Park Bees is committed to planting wildflower meadows and supports local wildflower initiatives.

Don't have enough land? Have you considered planting wildflower verges? There are literally miles of verges in your area which could be planted with wildflowers. Many Local Authorities now promote these initiatives, inspired by local action groups such as Herefordshire Wildlife Trust.

We supply a mix of bee friendly seeds to select schemes, helping boost our native pollinators in your local environment.


Most people are familiar with bird baths however, bees need fresh water too! Place a bee bath near wildflower meadows to help the bees survive their long flight for pollen and nectar!

Did you know a bee can fly up to 3 miles to find food and water?


Staunton Park is committed to helping our next generation learn about bees, and their importance to our very own eco-system.

We create educational videos and upload them onto our YouTube Channel Staunton Park Bees.

We have observation hives, and host Zoom meetings explaining how to keep bees.


Power in numbers – for every £5 that is donated by your customers, Staunton Park will be able to release 750 bees into the world, or contribute towards projects which help boost our Native Bee population.

No bees, no food. It is estimated that humans would become extinct within 4 years without our bee population!

This is a serious issue, and we need to reverse the decline un their numbers by supporting initiatives such as ours.


Today, in private ownership, the Park has been restored with a focus on natural habitation and food production. Why not check out our amazing natural bee products made right here at Staunton Park


Food shortages, changing climate and collapsing ecosystems 

Bees are responsible for every third bite of food we consume, without them we would not be able to enjoy our favourite foods. According to the United Nations Environment Programme, of the 100 crop varieties that provide 90% of the world's food, 71 are pollinatedbybees. 

Live enzymes in honey

Did you know that there are live enzymes in honey?

Did you know that in contact with metal spoon these enzymes die?

The best way to eat honey is with wooden spoon, if you can't find one, use an alternative – but not plastic!

Saving a nation from starvation

Did you know that bees saved people in Africa from starvation?

Bees have played a crucial role in helping people in Africa combat food shortages and alleviate hunger in certain instances. One notable example is the African country of Ethiopia, where a beekeeping initiative made a significant impact on local communities.

In Ethiopia, the Sustainable Apiculture Development for Income and Food Security (SADIS) project was implemented to address food insecurity and poverty. This project focused on training farmers in beekeeping techniques and promoting the establishment of beehives in rural areas. Beekeeping offered a sustainable source of income and diversified the agricultural practices in these communities.

Powerful natural antibiotic

Did you know that propolis that bees produce is one of the most powerful natural antibiotics?

Propolis, often referred to as "bee glue," is a remarkable substance that bees produce by collecting resinous substances from plants, tree buds, and other botanical sources. They then mix these resins with beeswax, enzymes, and other secretions to create propolis.

Propolis serves multiple purposes within the beehive. It acts as a sealant, filling gaps and reinforcing the hive structure. It helps maintain a sterile and hygienic environment by preventing the growth of bacteria, fungi, and other pathogens. Additionally, propolis acts as a defense mechanism, protecting the hive from external threats and intruders.

One of the most fascinating properties of propolis is its potent antibacterial, antifungal, and antiviral activity. Its composition is rich in bioactive compounds such as flavonoids, phenolics, and terpenes, which contribute to its therapeutic properties. These natural compounds give propolis its remarkable antimicrobial effects, making it an effective natural antibiotic.