12 Amazing facts about Bees!

12 Amazing facts about Bees! Staunton Park

When foraging bees return to the hive with their nectar loads, the other bees know exactly what kind of nectar those foragers have gathered and where those foragers were out collecting by smelling the scent on their legs or mouths parts. This enables bees to find exactly what type of flower they should go out searching for next.

Here's some more amazing bee facts:

  1. Did you know that there are live enzymes in honey?

  2. Did you know that honey contains a substance that helps your brain work better?
  3. Did you know that in contact with metal spoon these enzymes die? The best way to eat honey is with a wooden spoon, if you can't find one, use plastic.
  4. Did you know that honey contains a substance that helps your brain work better?
  5. Did you know that honey is one of the rare foods on earth that alone can sustain human life?
  6. Did you know that bees saved people in Africa from starvation?
  7. Honey is the only food that includes all the substances necessary to sustain life: vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates, proteins and fats.
  8. One spoon of honey is enough to sustain human life for 24 hours?
  9. Honey bees are essential for our existence on this planet. If they disappeared, we would have no fruits and would lose 70% of all blooming plants.
  10. Did you know that propolis that bees produce is one of the most powerful natural ANTIBIOTICS?
  11. Did you know that honey has no expiration date?
  12. Did you know that the bodies of the great emperors of the world were buried in golden coffins and then covered with honey to prevent putrefaction?
  13. Did you know that the term "HONEY MOON" comes from the fact that newlyweds consumed honey for fertility after the wedding?
  14. Did you know that a bee lives less than 40 days, visits at least 1000 flowers and produces less than a teaspoon of honey, but for her it is a lifetime.
  15. Bees know how to measure distance and navigate using the sun as a compass.
  16. The average life span of a worker bee is 42 days. All summer long a bee colony can consist of several thousands workers. In early autumn a colony can have only hundreds workers.
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